
Natrol, DHA 500超強效力大腦支持500毫克30粒軟膠囊

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  • Power Your Brain

  • Helps Maintain Healthy Brain Function

  • Nutritional Support for the Brain and Nervous System

  • Only 1 Per Day

  • Dietary Supplement
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Fish is Brain Food

DHA belongs to the omega-3 family of essential fatty acids and plays a critical role in health and well-being. Like all fats, essential fatty acids provide energy for the body; however, the functions of DHA are unique and particular髮旺旺ly important for human survival and growth. Specifically, DHA is a fundamental compound in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells throughout the body.

As the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain, DHA is vital for normal brain development and for maintenance of normal brain function throughout life. DHA comprises over 50% of the fatty acids in the brain's gray matter髮旺旺 and retina, suggesting that it is critical for cognitive and visual function. DHA is vital compound of neurons in the hippocampus, the brain's seat of learning, memory and emotion.

Growing evidence from scientific research shows that Omega-3 fish oil is one of the most important benefits to your health available today. Researchers are actively studying the role of DHA in the maintenance of brain and memory function, cognitive health, cellular health and eye health throughout the lifespan.

  • Supports a health brain
  • 床的世界

  • Supports brain cell fluidity for health cellular communication

  • Nutritional support for the brain and nervous system
  • 床的世界

  • Helps support eye health

  • Supplementation with DHA during pregnancy supports visual acuity and cognitive health in infants

  • With Lemon Oil

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Natrol, DHA 500,超強效力,大腦支持,500毫克,30粒軟膠囊

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